A lattice composed of BCC (yellow struts) and Oct-Tet (green struts.) Polyhedra are 28-hedra, Truncated Tetrahedra, Tetrahedra, and hexagonal, rhombic, and triangular prisms. Symmetry is Tetrahedral. At the center, a truncated terahedron is paneled yellow. All other panels are squares. In this model, yellow and green strut lengths have been adjusted to be equal, so this array can be considered regular.

A related hybrid array. This can be seen as an array of Rhombic Dodecahedra with a network of Octahedra and Tetrahedra between them. Panelling only rectangles with yellow and green edges leaves two sets of tunnels that connect the RDs to each other, and the Oct-Tet network separately. In this model, the lengths of yellow and green struts have not been adjusted, so are standard lengths in vZome.

Another Hybrid array. This is a sample of an Oct-Tet lattice with separation between it’s polyhedra by bands of struts that are parallel with edges of Rhombic Dodecahedra. At center is an RD.