Some ways Rhombic Triacontahedron (RT) cells can be stacked, including patially concave “dimpled” RTs. In this array, regular convex RTs alternate with octahedrally dimpled cells to fill space.
Here, a sample of this array is shown with a set of 3 parallel zones indicated as blue bands.
![]( Array w:zones/Triacon Array w:zones.png)
Tetrahedrally Dimpled RT cells are shown here filling space.
An array of dimpled RT cells with dimples oriented about z-axis, so as to fill space in a directional way. This is analogous to “fish scale” tiling of a plane.
![]( triacon array/concavo-convex triacon array.png)
Another array, with 12 convex RT cells stacked in icosahedral symmetry, and 20 dimpled RTs between them. These are dimpled on 3-fold axes. Many panels have been left out for viewing. Within the RT array is a set of 20 hexahedra with the origin point as a shared vertex. Thus far, space is filled concentrically with a combination of convex and dimpled RTs, with subcells in interstices, all constructed from only 6 coordinate directions of edges.